Razorfish – Atlanta Offices

It’s a fish eat fish digital world out there, and no one is better equipped to slaughter opposition than a fish with a distinct evolutionary advantage; razors. Razorfish cuts up competition like Mick cuts up Rocky. They work with many large companies like Mercedes, Nissan, Ford, Coca-Cola, Red Bull, Microsoft, Netflix, Sony, and Office Snapshots (dreams) to create brands that attract consumers in the digital realm.

Razorfish has a number of offices around the world, but today we’ll be taking a look at their Atlanta space. The reception area is very inviting with nice palette of color. One of my favorite decorative features is the wooden separator wall, whose elegance really makes up for what it lacks in wall-like properties. The common areas are very open, while the cubicle zones are very much the opposite. The wall art, foosball, and coffee-making robot machine are all nice touches to what looks like a nice operation.