Dentsu Media + McGarryBowen Offices – Hong Kong
Circa ia have designed the shared offices for Dentsu Aegis Network brands Dentsu Media and McGarryBowen, located in Hong Kong.
With Dentsu Aegis Network’s expansion, Circa was asked to design a new space in the DAN Asia office building for the addition of their brands ‘Dentsu Media’ & ‘McGarry Bowen’.
It is the coming together of 2 cultures within an octagonal floor plate. Circa clustered together a nucleus of rooms around which to wrap the 2 teams, & also balance the multi-faceted building envelope. This provided both shared spaces to come together, & defined team areas.
The use of natural materials & the removal of the ceiling system created a richness of texture to fit a restricted budget. Acoustics for meeting spaces were solved using environmentally sensitive recycled PET board; & plywood added warmth while complying with the recycled materials request. The plywood was sourced to match with the new Formica HPL woodgrain range, to allow a practical application in the pantry space.
The older building has a concrete floor, but Circa turned that to an advantage using self leveling screed to get a light reflective surface to the shared areas.
Designer: Circa ia
Photography: Pocky Chan