Factory designed Voodoo’s Paris head office in a contemporary, spacious, and inspiring manner, embodying corporate values with a focus on promoting creativity, well-being, transparency, and team synergy.
Decodheure renovated Synappse’s office space in France, focusing on a human-centered approach with open collaboration areas, flexible design, sustainable materials, and enhanced employee experience.
Factory designed a 380 square meter office space for Oh My Cream in Paris with glass partitions, natural light, pastel touches, and art gallery collaboration, promoting inspiration, collaboration, and well-being among staff.
Factory creatively merged history and modernity in a 1,300 square-meter space with traditional elements, a cozy family atmosphere, and functional design for employees and customers of Wormser Frères in Paris, France.
Factory redesigned Malt’s 5,000 square-meter headquarters in Paris, emphasizing flexible and collaborative spaces to promote well-being and community among freelancers and employees.
Factory designed Owkin’s Paris headquarters, blending history and modernity to create an innovative workspace fostering collaboration and creativity, combining ancient materials with contemporary elements for productivity and well-being.
Sowen‘s new head office for Aubert et Duval in Paris embodies a transformative design inspired by metal production, with a focus on creating a sense of belonging and reflecting leadership in metallurgy.