Browse Surat Offices

Sharan Architecture+Design designed the small, yet quaint space for their architecture studio located in Surat,…

ARK_Studio has achieved the office design for their new studio located in Surat, India. “Modernism…

Looking to expand their real estate services, Pramukh Group has opened the doors to their new offices in Surat as a space that matches the quality they offer to their clients.

Sharan Architecture+Design was tasked with the design of the Coolline Agency offices, a private air…

STUDIO 17 has designed the new offices of Coruscate Solutions, a software company located in…

The shared offices of Studio Neogenesis+Studi0261 and Laiwala Advocates are comfortable, yet disciplined; connected, yet separate; singular, but also diverse, creating a balanced and pleasant environment to call home for forty+ hours a week.

ADDA Architects & Urban Designers designed the offices for Oriana Facade,  a design firm which emphasizes…

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