Markel International – London Headquarters
EDGE has developed the new headquarters of Markel International located in London’s “Walkie Talkie” Building.
Following assessment of several buildings within the Lloyds of London triangle, Markel International, acquired 75,000 sq ft of high level space in the “Walkie Talkie” building at 20 Fenchurch Street to house its international headquarters for the next 20 years.
The move provided the business with an ideal opportunity to review the existing operations and to clearly articulate a vision for their London office. EDGE’s role was to define that vision, undertake appraisals and test fits to permit selection of the right building and to deal with the various stages leading to the company’s relocation.
With an extended lead-in period whilst 20 Fenchurch Street was constructed, EDGE ran an innovative off-site modular approach to fit-out to hit the move deadline. Using the accuracy benefits of Revit BIM production information a large percentage of the project was completed off-site before
By designing a space which focused on breaking down departments and creating a sense of cohesion to the “One Markel” vision – internally and to all visitors, EDGE created a place that is at the heart of Markel; a place that encourages repeat visits, a place where brokers want to be.
Design: EDGE
Photography: Tim Crocker