Recent Offices
Conexus Studio designs Nium’s innovative Singapore headquarters, featuring a dynamic and collaborative workspace with elements of play, vibrant brand integration, and tech-equipped areas promoting employee well-being and agility.
HLW designed Kingfisher’s London office with a focus on flexibility, sustainability, and decarbonisation, featuring adaptable workspaces, natural light, and a 78% reduction in embodied carbon emissions.
VOID interieurarchitectuur transformed the entrance hall of the Mondriaan Tower in Amsterdam with an ‘Urban Nature’ theme, incorporating warm colors, natural elements, contemporary design furniture, and a nod to Piet Mondriaan’s art principles.
balbek bureau designed the multimedia complex NewsHouse 2.0 in Kyiv, focusing on creating an innovative newsroom with unique acoustics, sound insulation, lighting, and a central cube studio concept.
Gensler‘s design for a confidential professional services client’s headquarters in El Paso focuses on the employee experience, connection to the local landscape, and transparency, symbolizing commitment to the city.
MKDA designed a modern workplace for Triton International in Purchase with a focus on a fresh, updated look inspired by shipping containers, featuring industrial elements and the company’s signature colors.
Coca Cola Caribbean’s new offices in Santo Domingo, designed by 3g Office, promotes innovation through open, dynamic spaces and a focus on fostering creativity, equality, and diversity.