Recent Offices

Shive-Hattery designed RSM’s Austin office with a timeless aesthetic incorporating local flair, natural light, industrial elements, and a focus on music, nature, and sociability within the workspace.

CannonDesign created LinkedIn’s new Toronto headquarters, a stunning space that pays homage to the city and promotes wellness and sustainability, featuring adaptable work areas and vibrant environmental graphics.

Maurice Martel architecte Studio transformed a former hair salon into its new Montreal office, showcasing innovative design solutions with custom-made elements, optimized space utilization, and cost-effective materials.

Sowen created the Sowen Social Club in Paris as a hybrid work organization focused on collaboration and eco-friendly materials in a beautifully renovated building at 168 avenue Charles de Gaulle.

Ménard Dworkind Architecture & Design (MRDK) redesigned TEC Energy’s Montreal offices within the iconic Place Ville Marie tower, blending 1960s charm with contemporary design, featuring open-plan spaces, acoustic solutions, collaborative areas, and private offices.

Modus Workspace in London showcases a contemporary and sustainable design for Bentley Systems, integrating eco-friendly materials, innovative features, and a dynamic layout to enhance workplace functionality and creativity.

Studio Banana collaborated with Telefónica Tech to design La Vega Innova iHUB, a cutting-edge agrotechnological incubator in Madrid that fosters collaboration through versatile spaces, natural elements, and sustainable materials.

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Education Snapshots

Inside Raymond Elementary School by STUDIOS Architecture

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