Design Army Offices
After a quick glance at today’s space, it is clear that Design Army’s weapon of choice is brightness. Design Army is a Washington D.C.-based design firm.
The company renovated a junker-of-a-building that, in 2006, was turned into quite a beautiful gem in a city filled with boring government-style eyesores. As far as an office is concerned, this space has a little bit of everything. Private offices for some employees, with a more open approach for others. Bright daylight is just about present everywhere in the space, which is reflected nicely with the extreme-white walls.
Design Army clearly appreciates older design, with their collection of Eames chairs in the lobby. They also have a collection of red busts, which, like the Easter Island Moi statues, all face in one direction, longing wishing for the days of old. What exactly the days of old are, is still a mystery, but they can use their well-stocked library to find out.
The project was completed by Studio27 Architecture.