Lab13 Headquarters
Lab13 is an Italian company that designs and develops software solutions using the most advanced technology available, with a strong focus on web and mobile platforms. The company has experts in different areas of programming as well as design professionals that specialize in graphics, user experience, or visuals. This allows them to provide solutions that are start-to-finish Lab13 creations.
The company has three different office locations, but their HQ is located in Lodi, Italy. You have probably already noticed that the office is filled with bright colors and wood floors, both of which are pleasing to the eye. You’ll also notice different combinations of Microsoft and Apple paraphernalia intermixed around the office. Either these guys have unhealthy obsessions with rich nerds, or they like to pay tribute to the past. My favorite elements are the 3-sided work station, the doorway to innovation, and the 3-d foosball cutouts that look like they are about to do spinnies on you.