KK Outlet – KesselsKramer’s Office/Gallery/Shop Thing
I posted about KesselsKramer‘s crazy office in an old church several years ago, but apparently they’ve added an additional space that is as multifunctional as a Swiss Army Knife.
A bit about the project from FAT Architecture:
“KK Outlet is a multifunctional office combining workspace, gallery area and shop for the Amsterdam based communications agency KesselsKramer at 42 Hoxton Square.
Various individual rooms are arranged consecutively along the length of the Outlet and sliced through diagonally to enclose fragments of their interiors behind a full length plywood wall, leaving the remaining half as an open gallery space. From within the timber wall, an elevation of a factory mounted on industrial castors can swing out to subdivide the space and theatrical timber curtains fold back to reveal a decadent red kitchen interior. Almost as though the interiors, and activities that take place within them have been crated up in Holland and shipped over to Hoxton.”