Kareo Offices – Irvine

  • Client Kareo,
  • size 45,450 sqft
  • Year 2013
  • Location California, United States, Irvine,
  • Industry Technology,
  • LPA has developed the new offices of medical office software company Kareo located in Irvine, California.

    Kareo engaged the firm to design their new 45,450-square-foot headquarters facilities at Park Place in Irvine, California. As a medical office billing software company, they are one of the fastest growing technology companies in the U.S. To accommodate this rapid expansion, LPA helped them to envision and create a highly flexible and creative work environment that would expand and evolve to support their company and clients’ needs.

    An open floor plan with access to natural daylight was key to the success of the design, with enclosed offices and meeting spaces organized in such a way as to provide opportunities for collaboration at the intersections of main circulation aisles. Interpretation of their strong brand and culture was accomplished through the use of interior architecture, furnishings and display graphics. The resulting design is vibrant; creating an environment for active participation and innovation by their staff and customers.

    Design: LPA
    Photography: Costea Photography