MOO Offices – London

  • ,
  • Client MOO,
  • size 35,000 sqft
  • Year 2016
  • Location United Kingdom, London, England,
  • Industry Manufacturing,
  • Peldon Rose has recently collaborated with Trifle Creative to design the new offices of on-demand printing company MOO located in London.

    MOO’s London headquarters, now based at 20 Farringdon Road is a stunning example of the modern collaborative work space. Returning to London’s 18th Century printing district, just 500 metres from where MOO started out, the business is going back to their roots in preparation for the 10th anniversary.

    Created in collaboration with Trifle Creative*, the contemporary space spans across 35,000 sq ft and is full of agile working spaces, unique meeting rooms and soft seating areas. The office flows across a single floor, enabling all the company’s diverse teams to co-work across the generous lateral space.

    A central feature is the 60-metre-long paper installation, which serves as a visual reminder that paper is at the heart of MOO. Made from over 500 sheets of 2100gsm Colorplan paper, it creates a unique focal point within the space that can be seen from most areas in the office.

    MOO were committed to ensuring the new space reflected their beliefs as a business. Employee satisfaction is a top priority, so naturally the designs had to accommodate MOO’s table tennis and pool tables, ice cream freezer and fully stocked kitchen. There is also a functioning coffee bar, and a circular private dining room.

    The size of the space allows the business to use it in many different ways. The library has a 6.5-metre-high ceiling and can hold up to 250 people standing. The large communal area near to the kitchen allows MOO to host a range of internal workshops and external talks, and is also used for the bi-weekly all-office meeting; dialling in six offices in total from across the globe. It is also host to many of the Friday afternoon fun activities which include: tug of war, musical chairs and chair races.

    Design: Peldon RoseTrifle Creative
    Photography: Rob Wilson/MOO