Canada Goose Offices – Shanghai
Canada Goose's Shanghai office respects the architectural shell while welcoming new life into its interior, a premier workplace setting for the luxury outdoor brand.
RooMoo has realized the design of the renovated offices of Canada Goose, a luxury outdoor brand located in Shanghai, China.
This interior project is located in a recently renovated office park with several blocks of historical buildings. Roomoo design studio was asked by their client – Canada Goose a luxury outdoor brand, to work with two of the most central blocks and turn them into the first Canada goose headquarter office in China.
Two renovated old warehouses are crossing 4 different levels, the main entrance is from Block C, at the second level of C block a staircase is linked to the second level of Block A where the main open work spaces are located. Here, an external terrace and an out door staircase is next to the openwork spaces, which create a secondary entrance to the office. The building was original built during 1920-1930 and used to be the practice rooms for the former Shanghai People’s Acrobatic Troupe. The intention of this renovation work is to respect the old architectural spirit at the same time give it a new life and warm feeling with a modern touch. The facade textures are kept as the original, the renovation work plays a subtle role and an extension of the interior, cladding metals are used to emphasize the outlines of this building, also to protect the edges of the original openings. The color choice of facade material is also from the interior elements. Walking into the office from block C, a new made brick wall with full height is playing a contrast to the historical elements.
The color choice of bricks is intent to give a warm welcome to the attendance for visitors. Coming in to the heart of this block, a shared core is visually connecting the pantry to the very top of this building, almost like a chimney place in a condo, here is when the meetings and gathers happened. The brown metal elements are used both indoor and outdoor. They connected the whole building with different functions and emphasized the contrast between old and new in term of material choices and construction solutions. There are two small meeting rooms right after the main entrance. They are rounded with half-height transparent partitions which keep the meeting rooms private, at the same time retain the visual connections. The staircase to the second level in block C is made from old elm wood boards, the steps come in original wood color and finish to remind people of old building memories through hearing a little ‘crunch’ sound when people step on them.
On the upper level of this area, two short staircases are going to the top of the small meeting rooms, which are two shared spaces with flexible functions. Through another staircases is Block A where are the main working area. This 7meter high space with pitched wooden roof, is divided vertically into two parts by series of concrete beams. In between of the wooden roof and concrete beams, 6 cubed metal frames are placed on top of the workstations and become the main lighting system. The idea is to avoid the hanging installments and leave the roof neat and clean. The detail design of the lighting frame is to pay a tribute to the “christian column” by German architect Mies Van der Rhone.
Design: RooMoo
Photography: Arch-Exist & Xiaoyun