Zuger Kantonalbank Offices – Cham

  • Client Zuger Kantonalbank,
  • size 7,535 sqft
  • Year 2020
  • Location Cham, Switzerland,
  • Industry Financial / Investments,
  • Gehri achieved the result of a lively, at­mos­pheric place where cus­tomers feel just as com­fort­able as em­ploy­ees at the Zuger Kantonalbank offices in Cham, Switzerland.

    The suc­cess­ful de­sign of the Zuger Kan­ton­al­bank in Rotkreuz is now fol­lowed by the re­open­ing of the branch in Cham. Here as well, we sup­ported the bank in de­vel­op­ing its new phys­i­cal brand pres­ence and im­ple­mented the in­no­v­a­tive “cor­po­rate am­biance”.

    Per­sonal cus­tomer ser­vice was also a great pri­or­ity in the con­cept for the ren­o­va­tion of the branch in Cham. It was ex­cit­ing to im­ple­ment the new cor­po­rate ar­chi­tec­ture in the ex­ist­ing build­ing and build­ing ser­vices struc­tures. We achieved our goal with a clear room struc­ture and de­sign.

    On the ground floor, cus­tomers are wel­comed in an invit­ing am­bi­ence and guided through the premises of the branch with clear lines. The spa­cious en­trance area com­bined with a 24-hour zone un­der­lines the val­ues of Zuger Kan­ton­al­bank: cus­tomer prox­im­ity and trans­parency. At the invit­ing re­cep­tion desk, cus­tomers are per­son­ally wel­comed, ac­com­pa­nied for an open brief con­sul­ta­tion, as­sisted with with­draw­ing money at the ATM or lead to a con­sul­ta­tion room for a dis­creet con­ver­sa­tion. An­other cus­tomer zone with meet­ing rooms is lo­cated on the 2nd floor, while the 3rd floor of­fers re­treat pos­si­bil­i­ties for the em­ploy­ees. The back of­fice in­cludes tele­phone boxes that en­able con­cen­trated work.

    The var­i­ous rooms cre­ate an invit­ing and pleas­ant con­sult­ing and work­ing at­mos­phere. The de­sign and ser­vice con­cept sup­ports the processes of bank­ing op­er­a­tions, op­ti­mises work­flows and pro­motes cus­tomer-ori­ented and in­ter­nal net­work­ing.

    The focus in Cham lies on per­sonal cus­tomer con­tact, and yet dig­ital­i­sa­tion finds its im­por­tance as well: Con­sult­ing rooms that offer tech­ni­cal ver­sa­til­ity and the dig­i­tal in­te­gra­tion of var­i­ous media; POS com­po­nents that em­body the de­vel­op­ment of the branch offices.

    The corporate concept, with its careful choice of colours and materials, reflects the principles of the Zuger Kantonalbank through its value and down-to-earth attitude. The result is a sense of space that convinces with lightness and pleasant restraint.

    The materials are inspired by the regional cherry culture with its over 400 years of tradition. Native cherry wood characterises the fronts of the reception area, the ceiling design of the consultation rooms and the furniture components. The dark shade of the wood creates a clear contrast to the light colours of the stone floor and the clear and characteristic diamond patterns of the ATM front. The surrounding colour scheme corresponds harmoniously and subtly with the materials and underlines the corporate design of the Zuger Kantonalbank. Unique pendant luminaires, specially developed for Zuger Kantonalbank, give the new branches an unmistakable character.

    The lighting of the Zuger Kantonalbank above the reception and consultation desks, the surfaces of warm cherry wood and fine diamond patterns show the strong regional roots of the Zuger Kantonalbank and create a unique experience in an inviting atmosphere. The new design concept arouses emotions and highlights identity-forming features.

    Design: Gehri
    Design Team: Christian Gehri, David Bernet, Vanessa Mosimann, Andreas Mülle
    Contractor: Alfred Müller AG
    Photography: courtesy of Gehri