Aubert et Duval Offices – Paris

Sowen‘s new head office for Aubert et Duval in Paris embodies a transformative design inspired by metal production, with a focus on creating a sense of belonging and reflecting leadership in metallurgy.

  • Client Aubert et Duval,
  • size 10,764 sqft
  • Year 2023
  • Location Paris, France,
  • Industry Manufacturing,
  • This leader in high-performance steels and superalloys intends to use its new head office to mark a new era in its development.

    A convivial setting that reinforces the feeling of belonging to the company and reflects the brand image of a leader in metallurgy. The space evokes the transformation of matter during metal production. From the smelting of ores, to the alloying of materials, then solidification and the creation of shapes. In an almost monochromatic color palette. The innovative material, which directly evokes molten metal, creates a play of light and helps create a strong identity.

    Design: Sowen
    Photography: Jared Chulski