Browse Santiago Offices

Contract Workplaces transformed Aconcagua Foods’ office spaces into a modern, sustainable environment in Santiago, Chile’s tallest skyscraper, fusing countryside iconography with technology for a functional, inspiring work setting.

FMZARQ designed the Novo Nordisk offices in Santiago, featuring open work areas with optimal lighting and mountain views, centralizing communal spaces for interaction among employees.

Contract Workplaces completed the ABB offices with thoughtful space for collaborative work in Santiago, Chile…. created a darn and modern vibe for the Tikuna Energy offices in Santiago, Chile….

BAUER projects designed a space with an industrial feel while embracing the brand identity of…

Contract Workplaces brought in architectural elements to create dynamic space for work at the CBB…

Contract Workplaces updated the existing layout of the Colbún offices with better collaboration and interaction…

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