Konjac Rice Company Offices – Jawa

Konjac Rice Company’s office design by Dominus Design blends individual board directors’ tastes into a harmonious, elegant space, featuring luxurious materials, sophisticated colors, and multifunctional areas promoting productivity and inclusivity.

  • Client Konjac Rice Company,
  • size 19,504 sqft
  • Year 2024
  • Location Jawa, Indonesia,
  • Industry Food / Beverage,
  • In the dynamic landscape of corporate culture, Konjac Rice Company emerges as a beacon of innovation and creativity, setting new standards in office design that seamlessly blend the tastes of its four esteemed board directors. Over the past three years, this instant rice company has surged in popularity across Indonesia, captivating palates and revolutionizing the market.

    At the heart of Konjac Rice Company’s ethos lies a commitment to harmonizing functionality with aesthetic appeal. This ethos is vividly reflected in the company’s office space, a testament to the convergence of individual preferences into a cohesive and inspiring environment. The office concept embodies a gentle playfulness, characterized by a palette of sophisticated grays and earthy tones, punctuated with accents of blue, orange, and verdant hues—a nod to the company’s corporate identity.

    Located on the prestigious fourth floor, reserved for board directors and VIP clientele, the office exudes an air of exclusivity and refinement. Here, opulence meets functionality with the meticulous selection of luxurious materials, including veneer birch and bespoke Italian stucco finishes. Each board director’s personal taste is showcased through unique design elements, ensuring a space that resonates with individual sensibilities.

    A focal point of the fourth floor is the expansive lounge area, elevated to new heights of luxury with the addition of a grand void and modern oversized pendant lights. This space serves as a sanctuary for both relaxation and networking, fostering meaningful connections in an atmosphere of sophistication.

    Moreover, the office’s multifunctional room on the fourth floor stands as a testament to Konjac Rice Company’s commitment to versatility and innovation. Equipped with a large videotron, this space is designed to host a myriad of corporate events, from product launches to executive meetings. A distinguishing feature of this room is its elevated seating arrangement, ensuring that every attendee enjoys an unobstructed view, regardless of their position—a thoughtful touch that embodies the company’s dedication to inclusivity and accessibility.

    While the fourth floor epitomizes luxury and exclusivity, the second and third floors are dedicated to operational efficiency and collaborative workspace for staff. Here, an open-plan layout fosters communication and synergy, facilitating seamless workflow and creativity.

    In essence, Konjac Rice Company’s office space transcends the conventional, embodying a fusion of elegance, functionality, and individuality. It serves not only as a hub of productivity but also as a testament to the company’s unwavering commitment to innovation and excellence in every aspect of its operations.

    Design: Dominus Design
    Furniture: Modico, Garvani
    Contractor: Bhineka khatulistiwa
    Photography: Antonius Widjaja