BIT Creative Barnaba Grzelecki used various wall finishes and dynamic work spaces for the Huuuge…
DUDES architects was tasked with the minimalistic design for the Say Games offices in Minsk,…
Mimaristudio completed the offices by giving the space multiple options for work in Istanbul,…
Flutter wanted their new Leeds environment to be adaptable and allow people to do their best work, supporting employees’ evolving work activities, and empowering their people to change the space on demand to suit their purpose.
The 27,000 square-meter offices of Paper Games include functional workspace, shared floors, a sky lobby, cultural showroom, and IT rooms to accommodate the gaming company's needs in Shanghai.
Unispace designed an intentional space to reflect the gaming industry at the RocketWerkz offices located…
Solo Arquitetos utilized an industrial feel and thoughtful use of space for the ShopB offices…