Adolfsson & Partners created a flexible solution for the offices of gaming company King‘s S44 offices…
Adolfsson & Partners designed the offices for gaming company, Paradox Interactive, located in Stockholm, Sweden. Paradox…
Giving onlookers a glimpse from the streets of Stockholm, the Stena Fastigheter office communicates the openness and humble transparency at the heart of the Swedish real estate company.
Studio Stockholm has developed a Swedish design concept for Uber‘s Stockholm, Sweden office location. When Uber decided…
DICE and EA Games are now under one roof in a dynamic Stockholm office that displays each company's strong brand presence throughout every room of the 160,000 square foot space.
The design of Net Insight's Stockholm office displays the core values of the company in a physical space with energy efficiency, customized workstations and use of vivid color throughout.
BSK Architects' have implemented a design in their Stockholm offices that accommodates all types of work from individual to collaborative, deep focus to creative, and quiet to active.