Browse Architecture Firm Offices

Alliance Architects completed their 10,000 square-foot office renovation project in Richardson emphasizing functional design elements and natural materials to enhance workspace functionality and reflect their brand identity.

Desmone expanded their historic Pittsburgh office with a focus on fostering well-being through visionary design for growth and wellness.

Skylab Architecture transformed a historic steel warehouse complex in Portland into a dynamic studio space with industrial aesthetics, natural elements, and outdoor areas for community engagement and events.

NOA‘s new headquarters in Bolzano showcases innovative design with flexible, hybrid workspaces that embody the studio’s architectural vision, nurturing creativity and well-being through collaborative settings and unique elements.

CosciaMoos Architecture‘s office in Philadelphia elegantly blends modern functionality with historic opulence by preserving original architecture elements and incorporates custom design features for a grand, collaborative work environment.

UltraStudio in Bengaluru by Ultraconfidentiel Design is a groundbreaking project that harmoniously integrates nature into its design, creating a dynamic and diverse workspace to enhance creativity and well-being.

LG Group‘s office in Chicago showcases adaptive reuse, a distinctive feature stair, creative lounge space from a bank drive-through, and a blend of modern materials for a professional yet inviting atmosphere.

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